Wednesday, June 23, 2004

False Alarm

False Alarm

Never knew of the existance of blog, until meimeiwong signed me up. I feel like I'm a turtle under a shell. heh

Life's blah... that's all I can say, life's blah. Where's the fun in life anymore? Oh yeah... I'm headin to China! And meimei's coming home, yay, yay and double yay! Wonder if she misses home.... she mish me? :P

I'm late..... 3 wks late to be exact. There's speculation that it might be a li' bundle of joy but hah! It's not! ... sigh... I'm not ready to be a mummy, but yet the thot of it kinda excites me. Anyway, I took a home preggy kit test just now, it's negative. :P

Never knew...

Never got to talk to meimei much about her life in Melb. After all, she calls once in a while, esp when Mummy bugs her to. hehe Never knew she refers to mummy as MY part-time maid (altho she ain't all wrong). Never knew she could feel so homesick...

Sometimes, I wonder if I should have gone overseas too... Sometimes I wonder if I missed out on things... meimei's having fun way out there... but then again, it ain't all fun being away from family 9mths out of a year. At least, meimei's got friends who take good care of her... :)

Another day of work tomorrow............ blah.


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