Friday, March 11, 2005



Arrived in Palo Alto at 1pm. I’m staying with Tahn Joo and family on Emerson St. Flight was excruciatingly long, I’m not sure why. After all, I should be more comfortable on SQ. Maybe it was because I took the UA flight with Yeow last year. After all traveling with someone makes it less dull.

The night before I left, it finally hit me that I was going away for 2 months. I hugged him and cried but nothing could change the fact that I was leaving. At the airport, I didn’t want to let him go. I cried then too. Every time I think about him my tears start to roll… I can’t seem to help it. I have never ever felt so home sick in my entire life!!! I feel so… disconnected. I feel real bad because I know that he doesn’t feel any better than I do. I don’t want him to feel bad or worry about me. I need to be strong.

I’m already counting down the days till I go home. Crossing the days as they go by…

65 days to go.
10 weekends to go.
Hopefully when I start working, work will keep homesickness at bay.
Cried buckets today.


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