Just relaxing...
I'm still trying to get back into the groove here in Singapore. Not easy considering that it's so blardy hot here and the humudity is just suffocating! Work for me starts only next week so I'm getting a taste of taitai-dom for a few days. Shiok!
I had the chance to indulge in food heh and duck rice was my first pick. Not my fave food but then again it had the shortest queue in the hawker ctr. I took a few pictures from different angles of my food and the uncle sharing my table was giving me odd stares. My husband thinks I'm nuts! I got to eat Katong laksa! Whee...!! All that lemak's sure to go to my butt but I ain't complaining. Was midday and it wasn't exactly the best time to eat spicy laksa lah... Sweating like a peeeg!
I had the chance to indulge in food heh and duck rice was my first pick. Not my fave food but then again it had the shortest queue in the hawker ctr. I took a few pictures from different angles of my food and the uncle sharing my table was giving me odd stares. My husband thinks I'm nuts! I got to eat Katong laksa! Whee...!! All that lemak's sure to go to my butt but I ain't complaining. Was midday and it wasn't exactly the best time to eat spicy laksa lah... Sweating like a peeeg!

Me and my laksa!
I finally got round to drilling my new bowling ball. Ok, admittedly it ain't new. It's a cast off from Andrew (as usual) but he hardly used it so it aint too bad. I went bowling and now I'm aching all over. Been way too inactive for way too long. And to think the ball's only a little under 12 pounds.
I've got the big bully, papa's got the bully, mummy's got both bully and bakyard bully and Andrew's got the backyard bully. All meimei lacks is the princess bully. haha

Yes, my ball's known as the BIG BULLY.
It's 3.30am in the morning and I just got back from the pool hall. I tanked up on tons of coffee before I went and now I realise it's not a very good idea. I haven't played for at least 1.5 years and my cue's a little mouldy. ArgH! My precious expensive pieces of wood. It realy needs some air and TLC. Gotta work on that.
I should go to bed... O_O"
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