Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park

From L-R: Gavin, Meijia, Me, Clement, Augustine, Junyun
I'm back from Yellowstone... The place is absolutely fantastically beautiful! We headed out on Thursday at midnite and we drove and drove and drove. We arrived at 5pm on Friday. Yes, we drove thru California -> Nevada -> Idaho -> Montana -> Wyoming in 17hrs straight. On the way we passed thru Reno, NV and it's kinda like a mini LV. We had BK for breakfast on Fri morning and we were all so stoned.

This is Reno, NV the mini LV at 4am on Friday morning.

First shot in Yellowstone with bisons and pronghorns in the background.
We arrived here at around 5pm on friday evening. There was still light till ard 8pm, thankfully!
Our first stop was Old Faithful (what else?). It "blows" on average 21-23 times a day and we hung around long enough to watch it blow. hehe We also visited many spots in the park and saw tons of geysers, waterfalls and mineral pools. Some stink like rotten eggs and you can see mineral deposits everywhere. It was real cold so taking pictures were a chore at times. Being a shutterbug like me, I couldn't get enough of the place!

That's me with Old Faithful in the background.

Pretty picture with a river.

One of the waterfalls we spotted along the way.
If I'm gonna recall any one thing abt this trip, it'll have to be the time when August unintentionally scared the s**t outta me! I happened to turn and he happened to feel like lunging and I got the shock of my life! I went all pale and I teared. August you made me cry! hehe But all's well and fine now, I've regained my colour.
There are more photos on the way but I haven't gotten my hands on them yet. Thankfully Clement had the sense to bring a tripod so we had a whale of a time posing for group pictures. I'll be loading more pictures soon!
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