Thursday, March 17, 2005



Was kinda scary, walking home alone the other day, after it turned dark. I made myself carry the torch cum charger with me to work nowadays. Better not take the chance right?

There are people who keep commenting that my English is very good and they keep asking me where I learnt to speak English. Singapore’s first language IS English. Must take it as a compliment.

Flowers are really pretty now, blooming like the cherry blossoms in Japan. Damn pretty man! Wish I was doing some sightseeing too but like I said many many times before, it’s expensive. Weather forecast says that it’ll rain over the weekend and all the way till Monday. I have to find a way to get around so that I don’t rot at home.

I’ve got an ulcer so I went to GNC to buy a small bottle of Vitamin B12. So proud of myself. Mummy will be proud of me. Hahahaha Yeah right...

Almost weekend and I’m settling down ok. Discovered internet in the library so things ain’t so bad but the internet connection at home is driving me nuts! I’ll just turn to watching TV instead. :P

After tonight, 58 days to home. I’ve hit the 5 already. Yay…


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