My sis and cousin are currently overseas, away from home. They're thinking and discussing about what it's like being away from home, from family and where they'll go from there. I'm terrified that my sister would stay in Australia for years and years and years coz it does get kinda lonely here when she's not around. Not much mention of my parents coz they're hardly in town anyway.
I was only in the States for 2 months and I felt kinda odd when I got back. First thing to hit me was, of coz, the humidity. Just the other day, I was telling Andrew that I have a feeling of passing the same places over and over again and yet feeling alien after you've gone away for a while. It's a feeling of knowing the place intimately but yet not feeling like you belong. Maybe I haven't grown into my new place yet. After 3 mths of being here, I still feel like a guest in my own house. Oh well...

Happened upon an old photo taken 2 years ago. How time flies. Half the people in the picture aren't ard anymore!