Sunday, March 19, 2006

All burnt out

All burnt out...

The company send you on a training trip in Shanghai and Beijing and everyone oohhhs and aahhhs at the chance o go overseas. Admittedly I thot it was great too but when you hit work again, you see a monstrous amt of work to do. BUMMER!

Others just think that we went on a fun trip, yeah right. 3 days of annual leave for a bit of sightseeing and followed by 5 full days cooped up in a classroom with terms flying right over my head. I hardly call the latter fun.

So what on earth am I trying to get at? I'm T.I.R.E.D.!!! Pooped, exhausted, sleep-deprived, grouchy, eye-bagged, plain burnt out. I so need a break... and maybe a change of job? Any recommendations... anyone?

So glad I'm on leave next week. Phew.
