Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Stanford's Memorial Church

Stanford's Memorial Church

Stanford has a church on their grounds. They call it the Memorial Church. It's non-denominational (I think tt's what they call it). Check out the mosaics and stuff. It's said tt there are over 20,000 different shades of mosaics on the front and in the church itself . I like it in there, it's so beautiful and peaceful.

Memorial Church Main Entrance Posted by Hello

Charity Posted by Hello Archangel Uriel Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More Ramblings...

More Ramblings...

I had a case today, a tamponade case. I was right up there, next to the patient while they did the tap. It’s so cool! There was echo guidance of course. The doctor made an incision, affecting the diaphragm and the patient had hiccups while the case was in progress. They drained the fluid from the body, a little more than 1 litre of fluid. I could see the fluid being drained successfully on the echo itself. My first time! Well I guess there’s a first time for everything.

I got home before it got dark today. No IVUS cases for me today and the machine was used in EPS, they were doing AF ablation I think. They use the ICE catheter attached to the IVUS machine to visualize the pulmonary veins. Not very interesting though. They started at 8+am in the morning and when I left at 5pm, they were still at it! I guess AF cases aren’t only long back in NHC… it’s also really long here. I’m kinda glad I’m not the one assisting in the case. Hehehe

I was walking home today and I saw a lot of cars parked outside of the homes, although these people had garages. At times, I pas by houses with their garage doors open and I realize that the reason why they don’t park their cars inside is because they have tons of stuff in there! Most probably it’s got to do with the ever changing weather and the 4 seasons in these countries that they need all kinds of stuff to survive.

I’m taking life easy here, not too much stress, although I should buck up more on my readings in between. I hang out at the library real often and I feel like I’m back in school, doing research and studying for exams. Not a bad feeling though. I’m “back to school” and getting paid for it.

Thursday, March 17, 2005



Was kinda scary, walking home alone the other day, after it turned dark. I made myself carry the torch cum charger with me to work nowadays. Better not take the chance right?

There are people who keep commenting that my English is very good and they keep asking me where I learnt to speak English. Singapore’s first language IS English. Must take it as a compliment.

Flowers are really pretty now, blooming like the cherry blossoms in Japan. Damn pretty man! Wish I was doing some sightseeing too but like I said many many times before, it’s expensive. Weather forecast says that it’ll rain over the weekend and all the way till Monday. I have to find a way to get around so that I don’t rot at home.

I’ve got an ulcer so I went to GNC to buy a small bottle of Vitamin B12. So proud of myself. Mummy will be proud of me. Hahahaha Yeah right...

Almost weekend and I’m settling down ok. Discovered internet in the library so things ain’t so bad but the internet connection at home is driving me nuts! I’ll just turn to watching TV instead. :P

After tonight, 58 days to home. I’ve hit the 5 already. Yay…

Friday, March 11, 2005



Arrived in Palo Alto at 1pm. I’m staying with Tahn Joo and family on Emerson St. Flight was excruciatingly long, I’m not sure why. After all, I should be more comfortable on SQ. Maybe it was because I took the UA flight with Yeow last year. After all traveling with someone makes it less dull.

The night before I left, it finally hit me that I was going away for 2 months. I hugged him and cried but nothing could change the fact that I was leaving. At the airport, I didn’t want to let him go. I cried then too. Every time I think about him my tears start to roll… I can’t seem to help it. I have never ever felt so home sick in my entire life!!! I feel so… disconnected. I feel real bad because I know that he doesn’t feel any better than I do. I don’t want him to feel bad or worry about me. I need to be strong.

I’m already counting down the days till I go home. Crossing the days as they go by…

65 days to go.
10 weekends to go.
Hopefully when I start working, work will keep homesickness at bay.
Cried buckets today.