Sunday, May 29, 2005

Food fest

It's been nothing but a food fest since I got home. Food glorious food! I got my bak chor mee, prawn noodles and I had steamboat buffet today. *drool*


All these food for only 2 people. How not to get fat?!

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Bak Chor Mee with a bit of chilli and tons of vinegar. Didn't do my ulcer any favours.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Getting lost

I had to go drop off some things somewhere in Macpherson on Sunday. I'm not very comfortable going to that area coz I hardly go there... Bizzare thing is that I made a huge u-turn in Whampoa and to realise I ended up in Potong Pasir! hahaha I never really knew where Potong Pasir is and now I know! I took a little tour of Potong Pasir to end up in Macpherson again. I'm so suaku...

"Do you trust me?" I asked.
"Urm... yes I do?" he said.

Well, I got us lost. Trust misplacced. heh
It was a laugh getting lost tho. hehe

Monday, May 23, 2005

Casio Exilim Z750

Out with the old and in with the new. I am now abandoning my trusty Sony digital camera and embracing the new Casio Exilim Z750. -grin-

Casio Exilim Z750

My new camera! Whee...!!

Went golfing for the first time in 6 months... My trusty gloves decided to act up on my and I tore a hole in it even BEFORE I started the game! Gee... Oh well, it's an excuse to go buy new gloves eh? But these thingys don't come cheap you know, at least $30 a pair! Sigh... And I've only had it for under a year.

Gloves with a hole

Gloves with a hole

I'm going back to work tomorrow... BLaH...

Friday, May 20, 2005

Just relaxing...

I'm still trying to get back into the groove here in Singapore. Not easy considering that it's so blardy hot here and the humudity is just suffocating! Work for me starts only next week so I'm getting a taste of taitai-dom for a few days. Shiok!

I had the chance to indulge in food heh and duck rice was my first pick. Not my fave food but then again it had the shortest queue in the hawker ctr. I took a few pictures from different angles of my food and the uncle sharing my table was giving me odd stares. My husband thinks I'm nuts! I got to eat Katong laksa! Whee...!! All that lemak's sure to go to my butt but I ain't complaining. Was midday and it wasn't exactly the best time to eat spicy laksa lah... Sweating like a peeeg!

Me and my laksa
Me and my laksa!

I finally got round to drilling my new bowling ball. Ok, admittedly it ain't new. It's a cast off from Andrew (as usual) but he hardly used it so it aint too bad. I went bowling and now I'm aching all over. Been way too inactive for way too long. And to think the ball's only a little under 12 pounds.

I've got the big bully, papa's got the bully, mummy's got both bully and bakyard bully and Andrew's got the backyard bully. All meimei lacks is the princess bully. haha

Big Bully
Yes, my ball's known as the BIG BULLY.

It's 3.30am in the morning and I just got back from the pool hall. I tanked up on tons of coffee before I went and now I realise it's not a very good idea. I haven't played for at least 1.5 years and my cue's a little mouldy. ArgH! My precious expensive pieces of wood. It realy needs some air and TLC. Gotta work on that.

I should go to bed... O_O"

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Home sweet home

I'm home and it's 5am. Can't sleep! Nice to know that I'm missed. Can't wait for you all to be back here. Thank you for everything! Coming and sending me off touched my heart plenty.

Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or lifetime is certain for those who are friends."

The nice people in Stanford bought me a cake on my last day. How sweet can they get?!

Farewell cake

Took a picture with Tahn Joo and family too!

Chin Family

The Chin Family, my hosts

A grand total of 7 ppl came to see me off at the airport, so touched. heh Pictures were taken at Peter's diner, just before I left.

clement, me, august

Clement, me, Augustine

August & Gavin

August & Gavin

Som & JY

Som & Junyun

Winston & MJ

Winston & Meijia

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Do It Anyway


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Mother Teresa

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Chocolate Mania!

I was introduced to Cold Stone ice cream yesterday and I had choc ice cream with choc chips, brownies and choc fudge. How sinful can it get?! Check out the chocolates too!

Cold Stone Creamery

Z Chocolat

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Tired from Yellowstone

I'm officially exhausted from the trip. I hardly slept in the car. It was a little smaller than the previous one we had but I don't sleep much in cars to begin with anyway. It was a long long ride home! I've got raging hormones and I felt like crap. I still feel awful! It's the feeling of parting I don't like. I bawled my eyes out last night. I'm all puffy eyed now. heh

Courtesy of a friend: (Thank you!)
Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. -King Whitney Jr.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Gang at Old Faithful
From L-R: Gavin, Meijia, Me, Clement, Augustine, Junyun

I'm back from Yellowstone... The place is absolutely fantastically beautiful! We headed out on Thursday at midnite and we drove and drove and drove. We arrived at 5pm on Friday. Yes, we drove thru California -> Nevada -> Idaho -> Montana -> Wyoming in 17hrs straight. On the way we passed thru Reno, NV and it's kinda like a mini LV. We had BK for breakfast on Fri morning and we were all so stoned.

This is Reno, NV the mini LV at 4am on Friday morning.

Wildlife in the park
First shot in Yellowstone with bisons and pronghorns in the background.

We arrived here at around 5pm on friday evening. There was still light till ard 8pm, thankfully!

Our first stop was Old Faithful (what else?). It "blows" on average 21-23 times a day and we hung around long enough to watch it blow. hehe We also visited many spots in the park and saw tons of geysers, waterfalls and mineral pools. Some stink like rotten eggs and you can see mineral deposits everywhere. It was real cold so taking pictures were a chore at times. Being a shutterbug like me, I couldn't get enough of the place!

Me and Old Faithful
That's me with Old Faithful in the background.

Me and MJ at the river
Pretty picture with a river.

Me and waterfall
One of the waterfalls we spotted along the way.

If I'm gonna recall any one thing abt this trip, it'll have to be the time when August unintentionally scared the s**t outta me! I happened to turn and he happened to feel like lunging and I got the shock of my life! I went all pale and I teared. August you made me cry! hehe But all's well and fine now, I've regained my colour.

There are more photos on the way but I haven't gotten my hands on them yet. Thankfully Clement had the sense to bring a tripod so we had a whale of a time posing for group pictures. I'll be loading more pictures soon!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Tired out...

I'm sleepy and tired and cranky. I don't make very good company. I need to rest my eyes so that I can navigate! Drink some potion to keep me wide awake.


I'm heading to Yellowstone tonight (yay!) and my poor baby is slogging his ass off coz it's month end reporting (again). Makes it doubly hard and lonely coz I'm not there to give support. But I can give moral support! Bear with it for a while more okie? I'll be home before you know it!

Another thing about going home is that I don't wanna go back to work! heh heh heh Who does? :P

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

IPod mini

Wanna make a guess what I bought? *grin* Mine's green!

Pink Belkin Leather Case

I'm heading out to Yellowstone over the weekend. Weather forecast says it'll be 0-10 deg C. Wish me luck! brrr....

Monday, May 02, 2005

Sausalito & Haight

Sausalito & Haight

We headed out to Sausalito on Sunday afternoon, me, Augustine, Winston and Meijia and the driver! It's just about 10 minutes across from the Golden Gate and the view's to die for! There are homes in the area that are perched in the side of the mountain... How gorgeous. The weather was great that day, plenty of sun and no clouds in the sky. Check out the ducky display in one of the shop fronts. heh

Street of Sausalito
Street of Sausalito

Duckies going round & round!

me & mj
Me & Meijia at the fountain

Rock stacking
It's amazing how he balances the rocks on top of one another.

We headed over to Haight Ashbury to have a look see and then had dinner there. Real nice shopping strip and pretty shop fronts too!!

Haight Ashbury Junction
Intersection of Haight and Ashbury.

Legs galore!
Funky shop fronts in the area.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

A guy and his TV

A guy walks into the cafe. He spots the huge LCD behind the counter and remarks loudly to the waitress "I love the TV!". She smiles and continues to fill out his order. He proceeds to tell the other waitress "I love the TV!". She smiles politely and walks away. He sits at the cafe and admires the TV while eating his ice cream. He turns to the customer next to him and says "I love the TV!". When he's finally done with the ice cream, he tells the waitress again "I love the TV!". If the cafe ever gets broken into and the TV's lost, you'll know who took it.