Thursday, August 23, 2007

Closing up the house

Closing up the house...

It's tough work trying to clear up the house and at the same time run tons of errands which just is no fun! We're both on leave but this feels worse than being at work. The house is a mess (worse than usual) and time is running out.

I'm freaking out! Makes me wonder if we'll ever be able to finish... sigh.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

The King & I

The King & I

The King & I
The King & I
(Some moron left his bag in the middle of my picture!)

I spent $200+ on tickets to the musical, The King & I. It was sorta like a belated b'day / welcome home present for the hubby. Sad to say, it wasn't fantastic. I must have been spoilt by Les Miz. It was not even as good as Miss Saigon! Sigh... What expensive tickets those were. however, we had a blast dressing up and going to the theatre.

The hubby got a new Vostok watch from Red Army Watches. It's a mechanical auto from Russia for about $300. Not a bad buy.

Dinner at Thai Express
Dinner at Thai Express

During Intermission
Having a coke during intermission.

A picture for proof that we were there
A picture for proof that we were there. hah


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bao Today

So which is it?

Ok this is hilarious. Found it at VivoCity food court. Which is it? You go figure.

Bao Today
Jutice Bao or Bao Today?


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Byebye SportSport

The car had to go...

Hate to say it but the car had to go. We sold it to a dealer, who had a ready buyer for the car. It went along pretty smoothly I guess but I miss it! I know it sounds weird but my heart was breaking when it was being driven away. After all it was the first car we bought on our own. We had it for only 6 mths and I think the hubby only got to ride in it for a month in total.

Don't take the car!
Don't take our car!

To cheer ourselves up, we headed to Funan and Peninsula to do a bit of retail therapy. First up, we headed to Peninsula to see our tailor. WE got some shirts and a set of matching suits. Sounds cheezy I know but the material was too good to give up and who cares if we wear the same thing anyway? It's cut differently and it's cheap. :)

Next up was Funana. Needless to say, the hubby bought himself a small toy, something about a cooler fan for the computer he's building in Melbourne. Now that's something he didn't tell me about when we talked on the phone. :P For myself, I got a new digital camera. It's a Sony Cybershot T100 and its RED.

New toy
How cool does this look?! I absolutely love it.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day at the movies

A day at the movies

The hubby is finally home! YAY!

AT VivoCity
That's us at VivoCity and it's his first time there. (We've been hiding under a rock for a while now) We just had lunch at Marche then had ourselves a walk around the place.

Transformers at GV VivoCity
After walking off some of the lunch, we had ourselves some popcorn while watching Transformers at GV VivoCity. I absolutely love the popcorn box. It's so cute!


Monday, August 13, 2007

Visiting in KL

Visiting in KL

I stopped work early so that I could head off to KL for to visit some family and friends... and also to kick back and enjoy!

First up on the agenda was to take a trip to see my aunt's new place in Puchong. I was excited because I got to see the new place and that they got a new place. As far back as I can remember, they have been staying in Subang... come to think of it, it's been over 20 years now. Here's a snapshop of the view from the living room. Nice!

Room with a view
Room with a view

It was off to KL to meet Michelle and Lawrence in KLCC for lunch. As usual, I was horribly late. I had to take the LRT from Kelana Jaya and the train ride took longer than I expected. I had a nice cuppa and cake at Starbucks while waiting for a ride back to Subang with Jan.

Mich & me
Mich and me at KLCC. Lawrence was not in the picture coz he was the one taking the photo. (duh)

The Vanity Fair cost me RM20. Way too expensive man... but it made for good reading, especially with Mr LeBeouf on the cover.

...saturday & sunday
These 2 days were dedicated to shopping and eating. Jan & mum took me to 1Utama and Cat's Whiskers for lunch and shoppping. 1Utama was no as fruitful but I did manage to pick up some tops and a pair of gorgeous shoes in Cat's Whiskers. I'm spending too much! Sunday was a time for a family brunch and I managed to squeeze a photo with my cousins outside of the chicken horfun shop. I'm gonna miss them!

Jan, Joyce, Ann, me, Muisim
L-R: Jan, Joyce, Ann, me, Muisim.

Aun & me
Not to forget my trusty travelling companion/bodyguard, Aun. Thanks for looking out for me.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Been Potter-ised

Been Potter-ised

It's a good thing that it's the weekend and I am not working. I mentioned that I haven't had a chance to get my hands on the lastest Potter book coz I'm too cheap to buy myself a copy. My hubby's got a copy waiting for me in Melbourne but I really wanted to read it!

I received a surprise email yesterday night with the Potter E-book attached to it. Needless to say I started reading it and finished it over 2 4hr blocks. No thanks to the book, I have amazingly dark eye circles and a crick in the neck. I wonder if they have a spell to help me get rid of 'em. I enjoyed the book for at least, there's an end to the whole series. Thanks Augustine!

I'll probably read it again once I get my hands on the hard copy. Yay!


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Museum Cheapskate

Museum cheapskate

I was looking for something to do today and I remembered that on Fridays, the museums open late, till 9pm. What's even better is that it is free entry from 6-9pm. Feeling bored and sorta nostalgic about the newly renovated National Museum, I decided to pay it a visit before I left.

I got there just after 6pm so I qualified for the free entry. Turns out that the History part of the museum closes at 6pm and that leaves the Living part open only. The Living part of the museum covers Food, Film, Photography and Fashion. I hope the History section has got more informative and interesting stuff coz I sure won't pay $10 for just these 4 exhibitions...

On the bright side, there was this small exhibition by a Chinese rock collector who has an extremely interesting collection of rocks/stones which resemble food! "A Banquet in Stone" it was called. Each piece of natural-occuring stone was presented in the manner of some form of food. That was one exhibition which I thought was extremely worth my time. There's an intro picture to it on the website under What's On.

After the remodelling, 2 restaurants/bars were introduced at the ground floor. It's a cool concept to be able to dine in the museum after dark but somehow the loud music from below sorta spoilt the peace and tranquility of the space. (Not like my new wooden clogs were any quieter on the wooden floor.) Oh well..

I still haven't been to the Art Museum and the new ACM at Empress Place. I should go have a look before I go. On the other hand, I do have a date to watch "The King & I" at the Esplanade. Woo hoo!


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Last day at Medtronic

Last day at work...

Bittersweet memories... Bitter coz I worked like a dog at MDT... sweet coz I did have tons of fun doing it. Sigh... Just when things were taking a turn for the btter, I have to move. Why why why?!

Oh yeah... to follow the hubby of coz. How can anything supercede that?
